The bodyweight squat is used for many functions including injury rehabilitation, range of motion assessment and performance enhancement. Experts in the fields of athletic training, personal training and sports medicine all utilize this movement to accomplish these various goals.
Common Technique Recommendations:
There are three squat techniques that are commonly recommended by personal trainers, athletic trainers and strength and conditioning coaches, including:
- Knees should not go past the toes
- Feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
- Feet slightly pointed outwards
Evidence Based Recommendations:
We reviewed the scientific literature and performed anatomical and biomechanical analyses to evaluate the effects of various squat techniques on muscle, ligament and bone loading. Our analysis resulted in general support for the common technique recommendations with slight variations. Our recommendations are as follows:
- Knees should generally stay over the toes but may extend slightly past the toes. This range will ensure that the hip and knee loading caused by the squat movement are balanced.
- Feet should be shoulder width apart. Keeping the feet shoulder width apart minimizes loading on the knee.
- Feet should be pointed straight ahead. Keeping the feet shoulder width apart minimizes loading on the knee.
The squat movement is a valuable movement that has a wide variety of uses. Our recommendations are meant to provide you with the safest technique for performing a bodyweight squat.